Masterʹs Theses defended by IES students

Masterʹs Theses defended in 2012:

Challenges to the Democratization beyond the European Union (EU) – Geopolitics Vs. Values;
The EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly as the Window for the ENP Eastern Synergy;
Poland Europeanized: From Euro Enthusiasm to Euroscepticism;
The Role of The EU in Conflict Resolution;
The European Union as a Global Actor and its Effectiveness on the Case of Darfur Humanitarian Crisis;
The Reasons Why Germany Changed its Positions and Supported Serbia to get Candidate Status in March 2012;
Struggling for independence from the United Kingdom:Comparing the Irish and Scottish nationalists’ strategies for independence;
Franco-Dutch Unemployment Among Muslim Minorities: A comparison and Analysis of the System and Policies Affecting Muslim Minorities in the Netherlands and in France.

Masterʹs Theses defended in 2011:

Basic Periods of the German-Georgian Relations;
21st Century and Challenges to the EU’s National Identity;
Female Migration in the European Union;
Process of  Europeanization of  migration policy  in the EU member states;
Muslim Immigration to EU countries;
Iceland’s ‘Choice for Europe’ – a Liberal Intergovernmentalist Explanation of the Icelandic European Bid;
Renewable Energy in EU and Georgia: Legal and Regulatory Perspective

Masterʹs Theses defended in 2010:

European Neighborhood Policy: a tool for Georgia’s democratic transformation?;
EU Migration Policy;
Framing Effects on Voting Behavior Case study of France’s 2005 Referendum on the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe;
The European Union’s role in conflict resolution process Cases of Georgia and Moldova;
Referendum as a Negotiation Tool at Inter-state Bargaining: Case-study of Irish Referendums on Lisbon Treaty 2008-2009;
How Efficient is the European Union in Conflict Resolution? Case-Studies of Cyprus and Transnistria;
Population Migration from Georgia to EU Countries;
The growth of the Labor Emigration wave from Georgia to EU Countries in 2005;
State of Georgian media since the Rose Revolution;
General View on Muslim Women in the European Union;
The concept of humanitarian intervention in line with Russian-Georgian conflict;
Turkish Migrants in Germany;
Why Does the South Caucasus Matter For the EU and Russia (Comparative analysis of the interests and policies used);
The Right to education of National Minorities: comparative analyses between International standards and Georgia.

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