ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალი

თსუ ევროპული კვლევების ინსტიტუტის სადოქტორო პროგრამის შემუშავების დასრულების შემდგომ გამოიცა უნივერსიტეტის მასშტაბით ევროპისმცოდნეობის პირველი სამეცნიერო რეცენზირებადი ჟურნალი. 

ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალის 1-ლი ნომერი.

ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალის 2-3 ნომერი.

ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალის 4-5 ნომერი.

ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალის 6-7 ნომერი.

ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალის 8-9 ნომერი.

ევროპისმცოდნეობის ქართული ჟურნალის 10-11 ნომერი.

გამოქვეყნების მიზნით, სტატიის წარმოდგენის მსურველებმა იხილეთ გზამკვლევი და იხელმძღვანელეთ შემდეგი ციტირების აკადემიური გაფორმების სტილით:

Guidelines for article submission/ Georgian Journal for European Studies

Authors should submit articles in English language, at any time, electronically to the following E-mail address: helpdesk.ies@tsu.ge . No fees are charged for submission or article processing, however translation into Georgian may inquire some costs unless the author provides the high quality translation on itself.

The submitted articles should:

·          be written concisely, with clear structure, introduction, main body, findings and conclusion.

·          conform to the style conventions of the journal (see below).

·          be between 3500 to 7000 words in length, references included.

·          Be written in UK English and include an abstract (summarizing the article as a whole, including its aim, a clear description of its findings) of 250-300 words.

·          The abstract should include at least five key words.

·           contain a brief bibliography indicating academic qualifications and current professional position , E-mail address, telephone/mobile phone number.

·          contain a written assurance that the article has not been published, submitted or accepted somewhere else.



Both APA and Chicago styles are accepted. The references can be provided as footnotes. However, if references are provided in the main body of text, the surname of the first author and year of publication in brackets, and the relevant page number, if applicable (following the “Harvard style”) should be provided. For instance, “… the principle developed into a rule applicable to new entities simultaneously acceding to independence (Fabry (2010) 66)”.

At the end of the article under the heading “Reference”, full particulars of the cited sources should be provided, alphabetically ordered by the first author’s surname, as follows:

Journal articles:

Foellesdal A & Hix S ‘Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik’ (2006) 44 no 3 Journal of Common Market Studies 533-562. (44 no 3 is the volume number, 533-562 the page number. If there are more than seven co-authors provide the names and initials of the first three authors, then “et al.”).


Rosamond B (2000) Theories of European Integration New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapters:

Hillion Ch ‘The EU’s Neighbourhood Policy towards Eastern Europe’ in A Dashwood & M Maresceau (eds) Law and Practice of EU External Relations (2010) Cambridge University Press 309-333.

Electronic resources:

EUI, Robert Schuman Centre, Reforming the Treaties’ Amendment Procedures. Second Report on Reorganization of the European Union Treaties (2000), available at https://www.eui.eu/Documents/RSCAS/Research/Institutions/2ndrapportUK.pdf   (last visited   06 February 2014)

For multiple works by the same first author, list alphabetically by subsequent authors:  if authors are identical, list by date; if authors and dates are identical, arrange alphabetically by title, setting the dates as, e.g. “2015a” and “2015b”. List all authors when there are 6 or less; when 7 or more , list only the first 3 authors followed by “et al.”

Editorial Process

All the submitted articles are subject of review by the board of editors. The editorial board may reject articles on the basis of poor writing skills, outdated research or the research out of scope of journal, as well as the focus including   the lack of clarity about the research question and insufficient clarity about the method of analysis, style, inadequate data to support interpretations,   weak discussion, depth of analysis and research,   or ignoring guidelines . The accepted submissions are subjected to the peer review by at least two experts in the field. The articles may be rejected on a peer review phase as well.







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თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ევროპული კვლევების ინსტიტუტი © 2012